Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs
In the days before the election, local Trump supporters are getting weird, crude and illegal with their sign placement and messaging.

On Friday morning, November 1, a little before 11 a.m., an eagle-eyed observer spotted a “Team Trump” bumper sticker taped inside the windshield of a U.S. Postal Service vehicle in the parking lot of the Walgreens in Skowhegan. That’s a violation of the Hatch Act, which restricts most federal employees from engaging in political activity during the workday. And postal employees know that rule, because the Hatch Act’s list of “prohibited activities” is drilled in their heads and repeatedly repeated by their bosses on a regular basis.
Gotta wonder what motivated Skowhegan mail carrier Michelle Lewis to attach a pro-Trump sticker to the window of her daily driver, aka # 0209919, three days before the election. After all, the penalties for violating the Hatch Act aren’t a slap on the wrist. According to the rules, the most severe punishment would be getting fired, prohibited from future federal employment and fined up to a thousand bucks. Or, less harshly, a postal employee could be reprimanded, demoted or suspended for electioneering while on the clock.
On Saturday, after receiving the photo from a reliable source, I posted the image on Facebook and Twitter. Almost instantly, I received multiple DMs letting me know the postal employee’s name and lots of other details about her. So I messaged Lewis and asked to interview her about the upcoming election.
“Regarding what?” she replied.
When I explained it was about the “Team Trump” sticker on her postal vehicle, she immediately blocked me. Which, these days, is basically a confirmation. Plus, a quick visit to her Facebook profile also confirmed her job as a postal employee and her hardcore membership in the Trump cult and an apparent follower of the Q-Anon freakiness.

As you can see in the above image, she uses the hashtag WWG1WGA aka “Where We Go One, We Go All” which is the rallying cry for the folks who believe a cabal of elites, including Hillary Clinton, Lady Gaga, Marina Abromovich and other celebs are harvesting the blood of children to drink in order to get the alleged (meaning fake) benefit of the Adrenochrome.
Lewis is well-known in Skowhegan political circles for causing trouble. Back in 2019, she was one of the ringleaders of the so-called “Skowhegan Indian Pride” group that fought — and failed — to keep the racist “Indian” caricature as the local high school mascot. She was also a member of the “Maine for Mainers” Facebook group founded by former Jackman Town Manager Tom Kawczynski, who failed in his quest to set up an all-white Christian ethnostate in northern Maine.
Multiple calls to the Skowhegan Postmaster went unanswered, but a source familiar with post office operations told me this is Lewis’ second alleged violation of the Hatch Act this year. According to this source, she has already been issued a “letter of discipline.” Who know what that means, since Lewis is a member of the extremely powerful National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) union.
I’m pretty sure that postal officials are now aware of the situation. Many people (including multiple postal employees) have messaged me, saying that they were filing a complaint with the postal inspector. Also, my tweeted photo of the Team Trump windshield sticker amassed almost a million “impressions,” plus 30,000 likes and over 9,000 re-tweets on Twitter. And my replies were full of furious folk angry that a U.S.P.S. employee would brazenly break the law.
Here’s a link to that tweet.
Gotta wonder if the postal worker got the “Team Trump” sticker from her friend Nick Blanchard, aka Corn Pop, aka #PartyPantsGnome, the J-6 insurrectionist and local troublemaker who got his start as a chud while harassing grocery store employees during the pandemic. These days, Blanchard claims to be Maine’s “President” of “Born to Ride 45,” a Trump-loving “biker” group, even though he doesn’t know how to ride a motorcycle. And he’s a major distributor of Trump signs for the Maine Republican Party.
Longtime Crash Report readers might remember him as the chud being baptized by witch-hunter and self-declared prophet Greg Locke in a cattle trough in the “Linnehan brings home Fetal Doll Collection, Constitution Hall” Crash Report. Blanchard is also discussed in the “Maine Media Ignore Thousands of End Timers Gathered in Capitol Park” as the first chud to rush the stage for altar call during con-man scam-artist Sean Feucht’s Christian-Nationalist revival.
And here’s where it gets weird.
Blanchard was also majorly involved in a so-called “Trump Train” on Saturday in Lincoln County town of Wiscasset. Sponsored by the Cubbyhole Sports Pub, the parade involved 68 cars and trucks following a garbage truck on a loop around town. And Blanchard, riding shotgun in the garbage truck, wore a Trump mask and waved to whoever was watching.
Before the parade, though, the so-called “garbage people” (their describer, not mine) gathered in the parking lot of a local racetrack. There, Blanchard handed out Trump signs and posed for photos, outfitted in his flag-code violating trousers. And some of the Trumpers sported the florescent safety vest worn by their orange-lord when he cosplayed as a sanitation engineer last week. Others, like these two dudes below, standing with Blanchard, wore trash bags like coats, apparently in reference to Biden called them garbage. It’s hard to see, but the fella on the left wrote “proud to be a deplorable” on his trash bag. Also, that guy is wearing a MAGA hat, but the words are in Russian, not English. The other dude’s bag says “Proud to be Garbage.”
And that’s also when Blanchard hung this disgusting sign for all his pals to see.
Blanchard has been flying this sign for awhile now and in multiple locations across southern Maine. I’m surprised, actually, that none of his GOP colleagues have suggested leaving the sign at home. Not only because the sign is gross, but he’s tempting fate by flaunting such a misogynous sign. After all, Blanchard is wimpy lil dude with a big mouth. Literally a miracle he hasn’t gotten sucker-punched or worse.

Not only did Blanchard display his gross sign and cosplay Trump in a garbage truck, he’s the one who lead the Wiscasset crowd in the “USA” chant, after he played a mash-up from his boom box of the National Anthem and Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
On Sunday morning, after seeing Blanchard’s post about the Trump Train and the photos of his disgusting sign, I called the speedway, curious to know why they let such filth be displayed in their parking lot, especially since the race track has supposedly been trying to make stock-car racing for family-friendly. The owner insisted they had no knowledge of the sign, claimed they just let parade line up in the parking lot.
A couple hours later, on Facebook, the owner of Cubbyhole Sports Pub issued this statement about Blanchard’s crude display.
“It has just been brought to our attention that an inappropriate banner was posted at the race track yesterday during our Trump Train. This not only really upsets me and The Cubbyhole but [the owners] from the speedway are also very upset. They were kind enough to let us use their property to do this train and someone has a nasty banner up and another took a picture of it and posted it on the social media. We made sure everyone knew to smile and wave so the Democrats would have nothing to come back at us with and all went perfect until this. Please believe that The Cubbyhole Sports Pub and the speedway and all of the people but a few in the Trump Train knew nothing about this and would never have allowed it.”
However, the Trump Train also included multiple “Fuck Your Feelings” signs, “Fuck Joe Biden” flags and other crude symbols of their political philosophy. And the parade organizers had no problem with that messaging.
It’s obvious the chuds don’t give a damn about decorum or the law. Here’s one more extremely well-designed piece of electoral signage, sent to me by a source who snapped this shot on Broadway in South Portland. Note the creative placement of the Trump sign about 10 feet up the CMP pole.
Looks like the chud must have done that sign install under the cover of darkness, using a ladder, on a very busy road.
The sign, it appears, lacks the proper “not authorized by the candidate” identifier required by Maine law. And, it’s illegal to post any signage on power poles in Maine. It’s considered “Trespass on a Utility Pole” and punishable with a fine of between $25 and $100.
All this to say, it’s likely these sign-folks will vote.
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the mother of his child truly wants her son to not be a part of his horrendous displays of hate and disgusting behavior... what could we do to help?
Guess we now know who did the theft of the Harris signs in Westport.