School board meetings in Maine are getting pretty crazy. Long gone are the days when debate and discussion were focused on budgets, discipline policies and Maine school funding formula. Lately, thanks to the talking points furnished by far-right bigots and influencers like Maine's Shawn McBreairty and Larry Lockman, school boards and individual educators are being targeted by the followers of these chuds and have turned the public comment portions of board meetings into readings of the dirty bits of books they don't like. In Part 1 of our series "Trans-Panic in Maine," Andy O'Brien explains how we got here and who is responsible, namely McBrearity and Lockman and their useful idiots. CONTENT WARNING: This episode includes elderly chuds reading salacious material , so it's NSFW and not for the ears of children. HERE'S A LINK TO MOONCAT'S TWITTER.

The Crash Program
Season One of the Crash Program is "Devils and Dirtbags," an investigation of the child molesting Catholic priests of Springfield, Massachusetts. Season Two, "Tough Island," is a dramatic and comedic audio version of Crash's memoir of living and working Maine's most remote uninhabited island when he was a much younger man. Season Three is Disinfomaniacs with Andy O'Brien (and occasionally Nathan Bernard) where they take a closer look at chuds, Christian-Nationalists and other weirdos in Maine.
Season One of the Crash Program is "Devils and Dirtbags," an investigation of the child molesting Catholic priests of Springfield, Massachusetts. Season Two, "Tough Island," is a dramatic and comedic audio version of Crash's memoir of living and working Maine's most remote uninhabited island when he was a much younger man. Season Three is Disinfomaniacs with Andy O'Brien (and occasionally Nathan Bernard) where they take a closer look at chuds, Christian-Nationalists and other weirdos in Maine. Listen on
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