Neat, have not been there for about a decade or a decade and a half. Did you see the little constructed stone firepit where you could have a decent BBQ going, in the front area? I always thought about using it the next time I was up there. That said, I seriously have my doubts that it is the largest erratic in Maine. I think there is a larger one in the Waltham area, in the deadwater section before the Main branch Union flows under Rt 179. You would need to paddle or motor a canoe up that way, it is in the middle of the deadwater. But I will leave the argument on which is bigger to the physicists and geomathematicians. That rock, IIRC, is called the Stanmoddar, the Mother of All Rocks from an old Welsh legend that it spawned the boulders around it. Not many people in Maine know that little nugget. I think I got it from one of Zip Kellogg's old canoe guide pamphlets long ago. Or was it one of the AMC River guides.

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PS I know what you mean by ATVs. They can be a pain in the ass, but there are mixed feelings there. I like driving down old roads constructed in the 1800s that would have been overgrown if they were not ATV trails - I drive my 4WD truck and could not afford an ATV, not that I would buy one except if needed if I should take up maple syruping again. . But ATVing to Dagget Rock is a stretch.

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ATVs are excellent work vehicles. But for sight-seeing, not so much.

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Maybe we'll check out Stanmoddar next July 7.

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Or if you have a shuttle, you could just go to the river by one of the myriad of dirt roads to either the Middle Branch Union or East Branch Union, and then point the canoe downstream!

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